Recommended Books
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
Broken Open- Elizabeth Lessor
A Life in Balance-Dr. Kathleen Hall
Seat of the Soul-Gary Zukav
It’s Not the End of the World-Joan Borysenko, PHD.
Uncommon H.O.P.E.-Dr. Kathleen Hall
Fractal Time-Gregg Braden
When Everything Changes, Change Everything-Neale Donald Walsh
You Can Heal Your Life-Louise L. Hay
The Love Song of the Universe-Mary Sparrowdancer
The Biology of Belief-Bruce Lipton
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief-Gregg Braden
Awakening to the Secret Code of your Mind: Your Minds Journey to Inner Peace-Dr. Darren Weissman
Radical Forgiveness-Colin Tipping
The Power of Now-Eckart Tolle
The Power of Intention-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Ask and it is Given-Ester and Jerry Hicks
Transforming Fate Into Destiny-Robert Ohotto
Food Matters-Mark Bittman
The 3 Seasons Diet-John Douillard
Eat Drink Be Healthy-Walter C. Willett, MD.
Food Energetics-Steve Gagne
Greens Glorious Greens-Johanna Albi and Catherine Walthers
The Secret
The Shift